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Our Solar Field is a state of the art system designed to utilize natural energy to power our operations, minimizing our need for energy input from outside sources.


Our focus on sustainability has driven us to consider both our success and the success of future generations with each decision made and action taken. Whether you are looking at our state-of-the-art solar field, or the variety of sustainable water and farming management practices we employ, you will see sustainability is simply a part of who we are. Every aspect of our operation is set toward affordability and sustainability such that the entirety of our dairy and farming systems work together to recycle every nutrient we can. The crops we grow are chosen to fulfill the nutrient requirements of our herd as they are a vital addition to our carefully balanced Total Mixed Ration (TMR) feeding system. The cows are fed their rations and then convert their feed into manure. This manure is then spread over the fields as a natural fertilizer in order to sustain the nutrients within the soil and grow the next crop in our continual cycle of nutrient recycling (as seen below).

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